About me and this blog

Hi there and welcome to my game blog!

As an artist working in the entertainment industry I think it’s important to surround yourself with things you like and things you work with. Be it for inspiration, motivation or simply because you enjoy it!

I thought it would be a cool idea to write about and share some of the games I own and play to gather a glimpse of who I am as a person. I believe the way people play and what they play tells a lot about that person. Play is very important to me.

I also like to preserve games and everything around it for future generations. So I will try to find as much information on them as possible. That means you can also use this blog as a point of reference for your own collection.

I’m not just going to show off and give information, but I will also attempt to talk a bit about its development and give my personal view on it. I wouldn’t go as far as calling it a review, I think those are never accurate anyway as these things are so personal! But I will list what I like and not like about it and give a recommendation. That way, you can be the judge yourself whether it’s something for you or not!

I will also attempt at adding an accessibility section. I think it’s important that many people get to enjoy many games, and I strive to give accurate information that helps the less able. I rarely see these, so I want to make a start in this and contribute.
Disclaimer; as a fully able person I may get things wrong or misunderstand some of the struggles you may have! If you have any recommendations of what to add, or want to correct me, please get in touch!

Lastly I list the save option. I find it handy to know if a game uses passwords or has a save function. More importantly, I list how many save slots you have on the game. As I share my video games with my boyfriend, I find it important to know if a game has multiple slots so we can both enjoy it, or if we need to get another copy if we both want to play it.

I am very much a ‘retro’ gamer, so you will find lots of ‘old’ games here. I also collect original, physical copies of games, and attempt to play as many as I can on their original hardware as intended.
That also means I play them on an old CRT television!

All pictures on this blog or taken by me of my collection. It gives it a more authentic feel I think. The same goes for some ‘screenshots’, these could be actual photo’s of me playing the games! This can mean some look a bit distorted, as the old CRT TV screen is bulged, and screens can give stripes in a picture. There is no emulation or video capturing going on here, just old fashioned gaming!

Played the same game? Have some more information you think I should add? A different opinion? Let me know in the comments! I look forward to discussing video games with you all.